High School
Class Of 1965
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Ron (Kornhauser) Hart
Toby Barken (Joseph)
Howard Berkey
Ron Braverman
Barbara Cholfin (Oppenheim)
Nancy Cole (Sproull)
Jeri Davison (Ciraolo)
David Feldheim
Todd Flumerfelt (Flumer…)
Steven Freedman
Michael Goldfarb
Ronni Goldstein (Kirk)
Wayne Gorden
Trudy Gottlieb (Lapin)
Shari Grischkan (Goodman)
Jennifer Hendershott (Palm)
Virginia Himmelsteib (King)
Kathleen Jones (Dudchenko)
David Kabakoff
Sharon Leslie (Cutler)
Judi Lewis
Steven Lewis
Sherrill Light (Lehman)
Al Merkrebs
Phyllis (Teddy) Milder
Richard Miller
Marc Paris
Don Persky
Kathy Price
Carmen Rael (Diamond)
Mary Richman (Porath)
Lynne Sorensen (Leach)
Russell Sproull
Cheryl Stahl (Bremson)
Judy Sterling (Eckart)
Irene Vicstein (Shapiro)
Linda Weir
Wendi Weiss (Borover)
Roger Wing