Alizah "Fran" (Fraida) Blake Hochstead

Profile Updated: January 19, 2025
Residing In Beitar Israel
Spouse/Partner Menashe
Occupation Kashrus
Children Navah born 1972
Yitzhock born 1973
Adar born 1973
Rinat born 1972
Avrahom Aaron born More…1971 WE have 11 grandchildren and 4 Newsest great granddaughter is Ricki in ANtwerpgreagrandchildren Most recently a grand daughter born here in Israel 2022 and another born in Berlin ```they are shul him in Odessa
17 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren
Military Service several  
Yes! Attending Reunion

This SHabbos we will be celebration our 30th anniversary. For many of you it might not sound like a lot but we are a Chapter two marriage after both of our previous souses did not want to give (or recive in Menashe's case ) our religious divorce. BH we met 6 months after being free.

Wow 33 years of marriage and 2 new great granddaughters THis Pesach is really special LOve. Have visitors here in Israel

Studied in Florida and Cleveland, worked at Radio station and bakery, moved to Israel, served in the army, got married, studied in Tel Aviv and worked and had Semi retired from work in kashrut ,

Our granddaughter Nina just got married SHe is our 4th Israeli grandchild to be married. 2 married grandchildren in America and a total of 5 great grandchildren and looking forward to more

children, moved to the US in 1980, taught and worked in Kashrut, divorced, worked, remarried, moved back to Israel, worked, studied and lived happily ever after.

ANother grandchild has gotten married. This week Mati Edreyi married Nechama Rabinou from Belgium
Time moves on love to come to a Reunions but it seems all to be on the Shabbat, not very practical for an observant Jew and not easy to see the old school. I am for the most part retired and enjoying doing fun things with my husband. My youngest child's third son is getting married in a week and we are all excited about it. The wedding will be here in Israel. I hope to be in CLeveland for my mother's Yahrzeit in May. ANyone one ant to get together?

Since I last updated my brother Marty Blake passed away. I am still in the shloshim. He also was a Heights graduate...16 years before me. I want to come to CLeveland to go to his kever and my parents just don't know where I will stay. ALso a bit concerned due to covid. BH Menashe and I are vaccinated having had 3 vaccinations.
Our son and daughter in law in PIttsburgh just had their 6th child, a girl. Can't wait to come to the states to see her. SHe is our 17th grandchild. My grandson just had his first child (his wife has another from Previous marriage.
Really wish I could come to the reunion but it is a pity it is all on the Jewish Sabbath (especially since most of us are either retired or semi retired and it would be great to have a vacation and visit the school while it is in action and a lot of the old "hangouts" which could best be done during the week).

THis yeaar has been full of new events. Injured in an accident when I kids fell off of his hoverboaard and it crashed into me...But getting back to normal. It has put of our next trip to the US which was to be for SHavuot. Instead a quiet Chag at home.

Our oldest Israeli grandchild is getting married on March 27 to a lovely young woman from Odessa and they are going on Shlichut (becoming emissaries of CHabad in Odessa. It is so exciting.They have since moved to Tbilisi where we will be visiting them

We have been busy traveling to the graves of our Rebbe’s have to Alma Ati and now going to the Ukraine in November we have a wedding in Florida. Since I wrote this two more grandchildren have gotten married . Yud I lives in KIryat Malachi Israel and Mati is a SHaliach in Maale Adumim. Mati’s wife Nechama is from Antwerp and is due soon. And Mendy and his wife are temporarily in Berlin till they can return to Odesssa. She too is expecting. SO the family grows.

Our grandson and his wife have just had a baby born to Mati and Nechama Edreyi shluchim in Maale Adumim

School Story

Best part of school was cutting classes to work in theatre, demonstrating for causes we believed in, sitting in the assitant principals office (and years later becoming a principal...always knew what the students were thinking). Studying history and political scinece with teachers that thought out of the box (anyone remember Nessel Rhodes Pie? and beginning a life long love of poetry and music.

Alizah "Fran" (Fraida)'s Recent Comments

Sep 19, 2023 at 11:49 AM

Mazal Tov on your new book. May you have a lot of success in the new Year

Aug 21, 2022 at 3:18 AM

Looking forward to a grandson’s wedding Sept 7.

Jun 13, 2022 at 1:05 PM

We didn’t do anything for my 75th birthday as just before that we were in Cleveland and I fell had a concussion, broke my nose, glasses and a bone above my eye. After 30 stiches …

Apr 23, 2022 at 11:32 PM

would love to see everyone but the whole thing seems to be on the Jewish Sabbath which we observe. But I will be in CLeveland the first week of May for my mother's Yahrzeit...47 years. Love to see anyone who is around. My American phone number is 516 247 1180 it rings here in Israel which is 7 hours later than American time.

Feb 25, 2021 at 6:42 AM

What a story about meeting a Clevelander. Here in Israel and in Beitar there are a lot of Clevelanders but none I went to school with

Nov 07, 2015 at 2:48 PM

Anyone visiting Israel. Want to get together. Love to see you. we have moved this past summer to Beitar and renovated our home. Love to have you visit. Our oldest Israeli grandchild (Menachem Mendel Edreyi is engaged and soon to be married to Chaya Fruma

Posted: Jul 10, 2015 at 9:01 AM