Israel Under War
Posted Wednesday, November 1, 2023 02:12 AM

As I write this the radio here is listing the most recent casualties in this war. This is not my first war here in Israel which is my home and the home of all the Jewish people. I moved here in 1967. I love my home , my 3 children were born here. My two step children are a product of America and do not feel a tremendous connection to the Jewish people though his married son calls frequently to find out how his father is. I have a grandson in a combat unit and as his younger sister says with HaShems help Yudi will protect us The surrounding nations want to destroy us, My mothers cousin were murdered in Hevron in1929 before there was a state of Israel. We gave the residents of Aza amazing green houses, electric and water system water electricity etc in 20005 and we thought that would bring peace all it brought was more attacks They plowed up the beautiful homes we left them destroyed the pristine beach and amazing hotel and used hospitals and schools as the basis of missed attacks to kill us in the most brutal way. And all we wanted was peace to live in our own land. SO we continue. SOmetimes lacking certain things but mostly going on and running to our shelters . Things will be good. You are all invited to visit us here in Israel.